February 17, 2016

Do you ever read a book and feel like you just had to talk about it with someone? What if that someone is far away? What if you want to start a book club, but don’t know many people nearby?

This is how my friend Christy and I started our own little book club six years ago. We’ve been living in different cities practically since we graduated college, so I mailed her a book that I thought she would love and that I wanted to talk to her about. Ever since, we’ve been sending each other books back and forth.

Which led to an idea.

Christy asked me if I wanted to start an online book club with her! I immediately said yes. We’re calling it Beyond Words: A Bloggers’ Book Club.

beyond words a blogger's book club copy

Here’s how it will work:

1. We started a group on Goodreads. We wanted to do it through Goodreads so that anyone (including nonbloggers) can join.
2. Each month, we’ll feature a poll through which you can vote on which book you want to read. This month, Christy and I chose the books for the poll, but moving forward, anyone can suggest a book through the group and we’ll launch the poll from those suggestions.
3. Polls will be open for 1 week, after which we’ll announce the book with the most votes as our next read.
4. You’ll have one month to read the book. You don’t have to blog about the book but if you do, we’ll have a link up on the last Friday of each month to talk about the book, books you’ve read lately, books on your to read list, or anything else book related!
5. You can discuss the book on the Goodreads group as you’re reading, but no spoilers! On the last day of the month, feel free to post anything about the book in the discussion area on Goodreads!

The Goodreads group is now live, so pop on over to see what we’re voting on this month! You can find it here. If you’re interested in joining, vote on this month’s book and feel free to make a suggestion for next month! Voting ends on February 24th!

We are both so excited to start discussing books with people from all over the world!

Will you join us?
– Carolann

10 responses to “Beyond Words: A Bloggers’ Book Club”

  1. Heidi says:

    This is a great idea!

  2. Jenn says:

    YAY!!! I’m so excited for this!

  3. Cait says:

    love that ya’ll are doing a book club too! ill def join and hope maybe youll stop by mine too he. were voting for a book in march as well!

  4. I’m so excited to join up with this book club! I’m a part of one in Houston, but we don’t meet that often so this will be a nice change! I can’t wait to see what the first book will be!

    • Carolann says:

      Me too – it looks like it will be a tight race! I’m so glad you joined and I can’t wait to start! I just moved to Connecticut and I haven’t found a book club or anything like that yet so this is absolutely perfect for me.

  5. […] It was the pick for our online book club, Beyond Words. (read more about our online book club here! I would love for you to […]

  6. […] recently joined Carolann’s book club, and our first book is “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter“. I finally […]

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