February 13, 2018

I’m not a huge Valentine’s Day fan. I just don’t really see the point in it. Especially when it’s during the week, it just seems like a lot…

October 3, 2017

I have a very special surprise for you today, my very first guest blogger! One of my favorite bloggers, Audrey from Life as Louise, contacted me a while ago…

February 28, 2017

Things are about to get real on my blog today. I’ve talked a little bit about how ever since moving back to Hawaii, life has been great, but…

February 14, 2017

When I was looking for a first anniversary present for Nick, I wanted it to be paper, since that is what the traditional first anniversary present is. I…

January 18, 2017

With the new year comes new budgets and new savings goals, so I thought this would be a good time for me to talk a little bit about…

January 11, 2017

Special thanks to Amanda (The Lady Okie) for the inspiration for this post, who got inspired by Erin. Married Life 2016: Married life was constantly changing. It was easy and…

December 3, 2016

I’m writing in the house that I grew up in. I’m home for a quick visit, trying to squeeze in as much of the holidays with my family as…

November 15, 2016

“Well, you signed up for this.” I hate when people say this to me. Usually, it’s when I’m complaining about something the military does. I’m not the only…

August 23, 2016

Today is our three year wedding anniversary! As I look back on pictures, I’ve been thinking about how different our life together looks today from how I imagined it…

July 12, 2016

It’s a good thing Nick didn’t inherit the One Ring from Bilbo Baggins. A very good thing. Right after Nick and I got married, Nick noticed that his…