April 4, 2021

April is the month of the military child. It’s a time to recognize military children for the sacrifices they make and the challenges they overcome. Being a military…

March 14, 2021

Moving so often is exhausting. By the time I get the kitchen organized and figure out where all of the light switches are, it’s time to move. I…

December 31, 2018

As I write this, we’re in the middle of our 4th move in 5 years. I haven’t been posting at all lately because we’ve been busy getting ready…

November 19, 2018

For years it was my dream to throw a Harry Potter themed party. We would eat food from the books, everyone would dress up according to their house,…

November 6, 2018

WINS Get outside/explore Hawaii. Between going to Maui, an island I’ve never been to, and having every single weekend jam-packed, I say I knocked this one out of…

September 24, 2018

Nick came home on Wednesday!!!! I feel like all of the stress and weight of deployment melted away as soon as I saw him, and and I’m just…

August 2, 2018

Aloha from New York! I’ve been here for a few weeks now. So let’s head to Dunkin Donuts and have a chat! If we were having coffee, I…

July 25, 2018

The last time Nick was on a submarine, I lived in New York while he lived in Washington (state). At the time it was the right decision for…

July 2, 2018

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my trip to Guam. I went there to visit Nick on a port call! You can read all about it here….

June 20, 2018

Grab a cup of coffee and let’s catch up! If we were having coffee, I would tell you that coming home from the port call was, in some ways,…