March 3, 2017

Today, I’m linking up with some lovely bloggers whose blogs I often read: Polly from Follow Your Sunshine, Emma from Adventures of a London Kiwi, Angie from SilverSpoon London, and guest…

September 23, 2016

One thing that this new stage of our life has taught me is that no two tours in the military will ever be the same. With moving around…

February 19, 2016

Oh, Hawaii. Did I really live there for two years? Or was that a dream? I miss the beaches and the sun and the warmth and the hiking…

January 22, 2016

As Nick and I got ready to leave Hawaii, lots of people asked me if I was devastated to leave and kept reminding me how hard it would…

December 4, 2015

I love it when my friends and family come to visit. I get to see people I love who live thousands of miles away from me, and they…

November 29, 2015

I can’t believe I have lived in Hawaii for over two years and haven’t written about Diamond Head yet! It’s one of the most popular hikes here. I think…

October 16, 2015

On Monday, I posted all about the beginning of our anniversary trip to Napa – check it out here! After breakfast at Bouchon, it was absolutely time to…

October 12, 2015

Last month, Nick and I went to California to celebrate his friend’s wedding in Carmel. We decided to make a big road trip out of it, stopping to…

September 28, 2015

I’m back with my Hawaiian food series! Part 1 was all about dining on a budget – check it out here! Today I’m writing all about my favorite…

August 3, 2015

My New Zealand series continues! While we were staying in Queenstown, one of the day trips Nick and I took was out to a bunch of wineries in Central Otago….