March 3, 2016

My friend Christy hosts Currently linkups each week. I feel like it’s time for a life update on here, so I thought it would be fun to join in!

Currently Link Up-2

Currently, I’m….


Reading too many books. I can’t ever seem to just read one thing at a time. I get curious about new books so I pick them up just to see what they are about. And before you know it, I’m reading 4 books at once. I just can’t be faithful to one book!

I just started reading The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards. It was the pick for our online book club, Beyond Words. (read more about our online book club here! I would love for you to join!)

But I’m also reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman, which I am obsessed with and don’t want to end. It’s an epic novel.

My friend Joyce is a poet, and she started an online literary zine called I Want You to See This Before I Leave. Go check it out and read the works of some talented writers here! There is a lot of poetry in there. Reading the poetry in her zine made me want to read more poetry. So, I started reading a couple of Sylvia Plath’s poems each day, from The Collected Poems. Reading poetry in the morning has me looking at the world in a new way, I think.

Celebrating birthdays, life, and friendship! Nick and I went home over the weekend to celebrate my friend Joyce’s birthday. A bunch of her friends got together to go bowling, and it was so much fun. Happy birthday, friend! We’ve known each other for 15 years (since high school!) and we were roommates in college. We used to drink way too much coffee as we tried to write our papers and read poems. Somehow we also managed never to stop laughing.

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While I was home I got to spend some time with my parents and meet my friend Lea for coffee. This amazing woman has taught me so much about writing, life, and love, and it was so great to be able to spend some time with her. She always makes me laugh so much and is so uplifting to be around.

Currently (1 of 1)

Loving being close to home for a while. It’s nice to be able to see my parents for dinner, have a quick cup of coffee with an old friend, and go home to celebrate a friend’s birthday.

Buying New. Everything. Nick and I are still working out a lot of details with the insurance company, and we still don’t even have everything back that was supposed to be cleaned. But we started buying some of the basics because I couldn’t stand sitting on the floor any longer. We bought a a bed, couches, a table, and chairs. Then we went back out and bought the rest of the set for the bedroom (you might as well get the whole set, right?!). Slowly and surely we are replacing the electronic things that we need, too, like some kitchen items and a computer. Everything that has a plug in it had to be discarded. Between that and our furniture, we lost a lot. So new everything it is.

Learning tons of new recipes. Nick and I have been trying to eat healthier so I’ve been trying to up my game with epic meal planning strategies and trying out new recipes. And I’ve been making so many soups! My current favorite is this recipe for Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup. My sister-in-law sent it to me and I want to eat it every single day. Try it! You’re welcome.

Planning how to make the most of my time while I am near family and friends in Connecticut. I’m planning to go see a Broadway show with my parents in April, some of my friends are coming to visit us in Connecticut, and Nick and I want to take a trip somewhere.

Watching Arrested Development on Netflix with Nick. He’s seen every episode and I seriously cannot believe I have never seen this show before. It’s brilliant, hilarious, and it has some incredibly talented actors. It’s my new favorite show.

Hop on over to Christy’s blog and share what you’re up to lately!

So. Many. Questions for you!

What places in New York City do I absolutely have to go?
What are your favorite soup recipes?
What are you up to lately?

– Carolann


14 responses to “Currently: Reading, Learning, Celebrating, Loving”

  1. Carly says:

    Catching up with old friends is the best, so nice you were able to celebrate your friend’s birthday! I just ordered my copy of The Memory Keeper’s Daughter– so excited to read it for the book club.

    • Carolann says:

      Thanks Carly! I’m so glad you joined – I think the book club will be so great. I have been wanting to read this book for such a long time!

  2. Christy says:

    I’ve barely spent any time in NY since I left! Isn’t that weird! I hated it but I think I’m open to revisiting now 🙂

    I can NEVER read more than one book but The Memory Keeper’s Daughter is next for me!

    Thanks for linking up!

    • Carolann says:

      I’m glad you are open to visiting New York again! I always loved meeting you there. Thanks for hosting this fun linkup!

  3. Cait says:

    hey if you’re like me, there are never ENOUGH books to read 😉 i just sometimes read too many like yourself and get them confused. haha. i’m currently listening to a book in the car and then reading our boo club “The Party Girl” at night. xoxo

    • Carolann says:

      Never enough books!! I wish I could listen to audio books in the car! I cannot do two things at once haha!

  4. I used to not really do the meal planning thing that well, but we’ve been doing so good at it lately because we’re jumping on the healthy bandwagon too! Planning all of our meals out definitely stops us from over indulging during the week, the weekend is a whole other story though! My favorite soup recipe is this chicken tortilla soup! It’s amazing!

    • Carolann says:

      Weekends are for ordering pizza and going out! I think it’s good to have a balance. Meal planning takes so much work, but I think it is worth it in the end. I think it actually ends up saving time and a lot of money, too. That chicken tortilla soup looks amazing – thanks so much! I can’t wait to try it.

  5. Lea says:

    I so enjoyed our time together catching up with Batman.

    I do have an amazing butternut squash recipe that I will dig up for you.

    I also think you and Nick need to do a NYC food tour of Chelsea market –

    Until next time! … 🙂

    • Carolann says:

      YES I am adding this to the list! It looks amazing. Or maybe you and I will have to go! Oh wait, is this the tour you and your husband did?

  6. I love zucchini soup! You have to try sweet potato soup and black bean soup, both my total favourites. I really need to get on the meal planning train!

    • Carolann says:

      I have a recipe for sweet potato soup — I think that now I will have to try it this week! Meal planning can be such a big pain, but it’s so worth it. I do all of my planning in an Excel spreadsheet so that I can go back and just copy previous weeks too! Once you have a few good weeks set, you can repeat easily!

  7. Arrested Development is hilarious! I love it!

    • Carolann says:

      Where has it been all my life?! I can’t believe I just discovered it – but I am SO glad I did! It’s so funny. I’ve been watching an episode or two every single night!

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