September 21, 2015

During our wedding ceremony, our priest said something that went against what so many people had told me during the months leading up to our wedding.

wedding pictures (1 of 1)

Those people had told me that our wedding day would be the best day of our lives.

wedding pictures (2 of 5)

But our priest said that he didn’t want our wedding day to end up being the happiest day of our lives. He told us that while he hoped our wedding was a beautiful day filled with love and laughter, he hoped that our marriage would just keep getting better and better.

wedding pictures (3 of 5)

It was a high bar.

wedding pictures (4 of 5) wedding pictures (5 of 5)

But those words have stuck with me. Because right from the start, our priest made it clear that this day was just the beginning. That a marriage should get better over the years as you grow together, as you learn more about each other, as you overcome obstacles together, as you celebrate birthdays and anniversary and graduations, as you have children, as you fall more and more in love with each other.

the two year honeymoon - wedding pictures (10 of 12)the two year honeymoon - wedding pictures (8 of 12)

Those words have stuck with me, because they make me happy, because they give me hope. Because he was right.

the two year honeymoon - wedding pictures (9 of 12)the two year honeymoon - wedding pictures (7 of 12)

Our wedding was amazing and everything I hoped it would be. At the time, I don’t think I had ever been happier. Surrounded by our family and friends, who traveled from all over the world to celebrate with us, we had a beautiful ceremony and such a fun party. I am so grateful that we were able to have a wonderful wedding day, the day that we officially started our lives together after 5 years of long distance. But two years later, I can say that life with Nick really does keep getting better and better.

the two year honeymoon - wedding pictures (2 of 12)

Before our wedding, our priest asked us to write letters describing what we love about each other, the things about each other’s character that made us know we were meant to marry each other. He read those letters out loud to everyone there as part of our wedding ceremony. For me, it was the highlight of our entire wedding day.

wedding pictures (3 of 4)

In my letter, I wrote about Nick’s spontaneity, his endless optimism, the way he makes the best out of any situation. I wrote that he never gets angry, that I’d never even seen him honk his horn in the car (and I still haven’t!). I wrote that he has this rare ability to stay calm in any situation and figure out what to do. I wrote that I believe we complement each other perfectly, that I feel we are perfect partners for each other. I wrote that we are opposite in so many ways that balance each other, but we have so many of the same interests, which makes life together so much fun.

the two year honeymoon - wedding pictures (6 of 12)

All of this holds true two years later. But over the past two years, I’ve learned that there is even more about Nick to love. Living together, I appreciate so much all of the little things Nick does: Giving me the biggest hug when he gets home from work, every single day. Saving the last bite of dessert for me. Thanking me for cooking, every time I cook. Cooking my favorite meals. Bringing home a bottle of wine for no reason at all. Making me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. Taking me to see a movie he is not that excited about, just because he knows I want to see it. Taking out the garbage, because I hate doing it. Those little things make me feel so loved and appreciated every day. They have made our marriage grow and just get better and better.

the two year honeymoon - wedding pictures (12 of 12)

Thank you, Nick, for the way you love me. The honeymoon continues.

the two year honeymoon - wedding pictures (1 of 12)

All of these photos, except the very last one in our Photo Booth, are by my favorite photographer ever, Basia Ambroziak.

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6 responses to “2 years.”

  1. Christy says:

    I had gotten engaged maybe 3 weeks before your wedding…I remember the first thing you said to me was “Let me see the ring!” and I remember listening to your priest and thinking that yes, that is exactly what I want out of my marriage! Such a happy reminder!!

    • Carolann says:

      That was such a happy time! I remember how excited I was when you got engaged!

      I really loved our priest. Something about that bit of advice really stuck with me. It’s such a happy thought to think that married life gets better and better!

  2. Emma says:

    This is so beautiful, I don’t even have words.

  3. That’s such a great perspective! These pictures are so gorgeous!

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