February 8, 2015

I think that sometimes, when life is getting crazy and you have so much going on that you can’t even think straight, that is exactly when you need to have a day date on the beach. Or sometimes, you just have a Groupon that’s about to expire and you have to use it. Either way.the-two-year-honeymoon---ola-at-turtle-bay9

I love day dates. I love spending a whole day with Nick out in the sun, eating a long lunch and wandering around. Plus, we are home in time to get in our pjs and watch Netflix.

Nick’s been so busy with his MBA program lately, so his weekends are completely filled up with homework. But since we had a Groupon for Ola at Turtle Bay that was about to expire, Nick decided to throw caution to the wind and take a Saturday to take a long drive, eat some good food, and relax.

the-two-year-honeymoon---ola-at-turtle-bay4I’m a big believer in breaks, they help you refresh and recharge and ultimately help you do better work. So I was really happy that Nick was able to take a day for just that.

We had been to Ola for dinner a few times, and I wrote about our anniversary  weekend at Turtle Bay here, but we had never been for lunch.


What I love about Ola is that you can sit with your feet in the sand, look out at the ocean, and eat lots of good food made with local ingredients. Ola is Hawaiian for “life, living, healthy and alive” and they really make you feel that way.

the-two-year-honeymoon---ola-at-turtle-bay11Poke Poke is my favorite local food. I eat it every time I have the chance. Ola had two poke appetizers to choose from and we decided on poke & avocado dip.

the-two-year-honeymoon---ola-at-turtle-bay2I had fish tacos that were so fresh, and Nick went for the grass fed burger.

the-two-year-honeymoon---ola-at-turtle-bay3the-two-year-honeymoon---ola-at-turtle-bay5But the best part of the meal was this macadamia nut torte with a huge scoop of ice cream. It’s a pretty popular dessert here, and this was by far the best one I’ve ever had.

the-two-year-honeymoon---ola-at-turtle-bay6Our afternoon at Ola was a much-needed break for Nick. Those few hours felt like a vacation, and we got to spend some much-needed time together. I can’t wait to get another Groupon and go back.


10 responses to “getting away from it all at turtle bay”

  1. Melanie says:

    Looks like so much fun! I loved visiting Turtle bay!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

    • carolann says:

      Turtle Bay is like an oasis, I love going there for the afternoon. You need to tell me all of the good spots on Oahu!

  2. Christy says:

    This sounds like heaven! I’m so jealous! I love poke!

  3. Sophie says:

    Absolutely love that quote, so true! Nice post:)

  4. Sounds like Nick really needed the break – I’ve heard MBAs are really hard work and it’s nice you had a chance to spend some time together – what a wonderful luxury to be able to go somewhere like this without travelling too far! I know I would absolutely love those fish tacos – not that easy to find here unless you go to a few specific restaurants and that macademia nut torte sounds so intriguing – have never even heard of that but I love nutty flavours!

    • carolann says:

      Thanks so much! You would love the torte if you love nutty flavors! Nick’s MBA program is really keeping him busy so I was really happy he got a break. He’s taking extra classes so that he can get done early and enjoy the rest of our time in Hawaii, which makes it even harder. But breaks are important too so I have to remind him of that every now and then 🙂

  5. Holly S. says:

    I felt relaxed just reading this!! All that food looks delicious too. I’m glad nick was able to take some time off to enjoy a break like this!

  6. […] I love Ola because it’s right on the beach, and you can go there just for drinks, lunch, or dinner. Their lunch menu is completely different from their dinner menu so you might just have to go twice. For lunch, they have things like fish tacos and burgers, and for dinner you can get some amazing fish dishes. They use lots of fresh, local ingredients, too. I love the views of Turtle Bay and that there are tables where you can sit with your feet in the sand. I have a full lunch post about Ola here. […]

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