December 16, 2015

Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it – we are in magical Copenhagen! It’s been a whirlwind and a dream.

copenhagen1 (1 of 1)

Nick had the chance to take some time off in between leaving Hawaii and starting work in Connecticut, so we decided to take advantage of it. We spent our last 5 days in Hawaii at Turtle Bay Resort, laying on the beach and by the pool, sipping cocktails, and reading good books. It was the perfect way to say goodbye to our island home.

We left Hawaii, spent a night in New York hanging out with my parents and eating our favorite foods, and then got on another plane to get to Copenhagen! Despite traveling 13 time zones, we managed to fight off jet lag pretty well. We’re going to be here for a week before going to London and finally to New York for Christmas and New Year’s. Then it will be time to move to Connecticut!

We met Nick’s sister here and the three of us have been having so much fun, drinking ridiculously good coffee, visiting castles, going to art museums, riding bikes around the city, finding cozy cafes, and of course getting lost in Tivoli. We went on a food tour yesterday and had the best glögg (mulled wine)!

One thing I noticed right away about Denmark is that instead of hibernating in winter, winter is celebrated and embraced here. People throw on their hats and scarves and go out riding their bikes, sitting at outside cafes with space heaters and blankets, wandering around Tivoli and the Christmas markets, and drinking lots of hot chocolate and glögg. I have a new appreciation for winter and all things cozy, which I think is exactly what I needed after leaving Hawaii.

I have so much to tell you about our last few months in Hawaii and our adventures in Europe. Nick has about a month off and we’ve just been trying to spend as much time as possible together and with our family after a really stressful few months trying to get everything together for the move. So for now the blog will be on the back burner, while we enjoy the magic of Christmas and family time, but I’m looking forward to get back into writing and keeping the blog updates more often after the holidays.

2 responses to “Hi from Denmark!”

  1. Isabel says:

    Look at you jet setters! Have an amazing time! Happy holidays!

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