February 27, 2015

Happy Friday!! Today I thought I would do something different and just post some random things about me!

1.  In college, we had to do a 50+ page research paper in order to graduate. Mine was on Harry Potter. It took me a while to convince my Dean that this was a serious academic endeavor. Luckily, I had an awesome advisor who was completely for it.

2. I don’t like cake.

3. When I met Nick my hair was very blonde.


4. When I was 11, I slipped while I was running on the first day of summer camp. I had to have two surgeries, one on each of my knees. I have two large scars which don’t bother me at all. But I do blame this for my aversion to running.

5. But…. I love lifting weights and doing yoga. Before our wedding, I hired a personal trainer who taught me all about how to lift weights properly, and I have been hooked ever since.

6. I can’t write unless I have a cup of coffee next to me. I have this weird mental block, thinking that if I don’t have caffeine I can’t be creative.

7. I have always lived within 30 minutes of a beach.

8. I don’t wear makeup.

9. I have a slight obsession with decorative kitchen towels. Ever since Nick and I got married, I have been collecting them. I love changing them out for different holidays and just having random different ones to decorate our kitchen with.

10. I love to clean! I don’t do it as often as I should, because living here in Hawaii I feel like there are always more important things to do, like go to the beach. But I really enjoy cleaning when I finally get around to it.

11. Whenever I am cleaning or cooking, I need music playing in the background.

12. The day before I was going to send out the “Save the Dates” for our wedding, Nick called me from Hawaii. He was literally getting on a boat, about to be deployed. He told me that he was going to have to go on another deployment during the time we scheduled our wedding. After hanging up with him, I re-planned our entire wedding in one day.

13. My ultimate dream is to get a PhD in English and then teach at a small college.

14. Chocolate and peanut butter is my favorite thing ever.

15. I think sugar in coffee tastes gross.


What are some random/weird facts about you??

 Hope everyone has a great weekend!

6 responses to “15 random things about me.”

  1. Christy says:

    Aww I like your list! I remember when you had to reschedule your wedding! I was so sad for you!

  2. carolann says:

    Somehow I had this feeling that this was going to happen to us! So I was bummed but kinda prepared. But now I never can remember my own anniversary! I always get the date mixed up and I blame this on having another date stuck in my head for so long!

  3. Melanie says:

    That is crazy seeing you with blond hair! You pull it off really well!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  4. Emma says:

    I adore the first fact (and how annoying/lucky that he was deployed *before* your sent out the Save the Dates!

    • carolann says:

      I grew up with Harry Potter and still love it so much! And I agree — if we were going to have to reschedule our wedding anyway, I think we were very lucky to find out before I sent out the save the dates!!

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