December 14, 2014

There’s nothing like a visit from your mama to make you feel loved. My mom just left after a whole week in Hawaii, and we had the best time. My mom works crazy long hours and has already done a lot of sightseeing in Hawaii, so we decided to spend this past week relaxing.

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It always means so much to have visitors, but I especially love when my mom comes to visit because we can literally do nothing and still have a great time together. It was so much fun to spend some time with just her.

We got crafty and made some Christmas presents, went Christmas shopping, visited our favorite bookstore, cooked food with Nick, had lunch at one of our favorite places with my friend Jenny, ate way too much chocolate, and took lots of selfies.

We were definitely on island time all week!

Having a bit of home here in Hawaii definitely helped me get into the Christmas spirit. Luckily for me, I am already planning a visit to New York after the New Year, so I will get to see her and my entire family again very soon and we will all get to celebrate together! Thanks mama for making the 10 hour journey to visit me! I love you!

10 responses to “There’s nothing like a visit from mom”

  1. Melanie says:

    Looks like so much fun! I love when my mom comes and visits!
    Melanie @

  2. Joan Lauri-Martines says:

    I had a WONDERFUL time. I love you as big as the sky !!!!!!

  3. Lea says:

    Nothing like mom — especially YOUR mom! Glad you had a nice visit together!

  4. Christy says:

    YAY! So glad your mom got to visit!

  5. Holly says:

    I’m so glad your mom got to visit and you had a great time!!! It’s fun to have family visit when you’re far away 🙂

    • carolann says:

      It means so much when I have visitors come all the way out here to this little island, and having my mom here so close to the holidays really helped my homesickness!!

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