May 24, 2016

When we moved to Connecticut, Nick and I knew that it would only a few months before moving somewhere else again. He’s on a short assignment.

What we didn’t know was that the Navy would decide to send us back to Hawaii!

hawaii here we come (1 of 1)


It still hasn’t really sunk in. When we left the island in December, I had this feeling that Hawaii wasn’t done with us and that one day we would be back. There’s a ton of military jobs out there, so I knew the chances we could go back were high. I just didn’t know it would be so soon.

If you’ve been around for a while, you’ve seen me write too many posts to count about how much I love Hawaii and how much I’ve grown since moving there. It was in Hawaii that Nick and I started married life and built a solid foundation after living apart for so many years. I feel at home when I’m in Hawaii. We have such awesome memories from living there, and I can’t wait to build more. There’s no place like it, at least no place that I’ve ever been.

The Two Year Honeymoon Anniversary Photos in Hawaii (13 of 28)

But I also have lots of mixed emotions. Part of me would have loved to stay here in Connecticut now that I’m learning my way around and am starting to explore New England more, and also because I love being close to my family and friends. Part of me would have loved to move somewhere totally new, somewhere I’ve never even been before. Part of me doesn’t want to have to get on a plane every time I want to see my family. I will miss being able to get on a train or in a car and be home so fast.

But Nick has a long career ahead of him and we have a lot more moves ahead of us, so I have a feeling that at some point, we will get the chance to be close to home again, and that we will also get the chance to live somewhere completely different.

And there’s also a part of me that is in love with all things Hawaii. So I will enjoy this adventure, and I will absolutely love every second that we live Hawaii.

I’ve learned that there will always be good and bad things no matter where you are stationed in the military. You can almost never have it all – being close to home, a place you love, a place with lots to do, place with great weather, a place you’ve never explored before, a place that’s easy to get to.

You have to look for the good and make sure that you find enough good things to outweigh the bad.

So, here’s to being in Hawaii for a few more years!!
Here’s to chasing waterfalls and climbing mountains.
Here’s to drinking up the sun.
Here’s to taking a walk on the beach any time of the year.
Here’s to fresh fruit and farmers markets and my favorite restaurants.
Here’s to local coffee.
Here’s to reading books outside.
Here’s to date nights watching the sunset.
Here’ to moving back to a place that feels like home.
Here’s to hikes and gorgeous views.
Here’s to exploring other Hawaiian islands that we’ve never been to.
Here’s to spotting sea turtles, monk seals, and whales.
Here’s to afternoons spent at my favorite bookstore, the perfect place to rebuild my book collection.
Here’s to fun family visits and long trips home that will be that much more special.

I mean, what’s not to love?

The Two Year Honeymoon Anniversary Photos in Hawaii (2 of 28)

Now it’s time to plan our third transoceanic move in three years.


I plan to write all about it on the blog so that hopefully other people who are doing big overseas moves can benefit from what I’ve learned after three moves overseas. I’ve never really documented exactly what goes into the moving process. Hopefully the rest of you find it interesting enough – I am sure there will be stories.

It’s honestly pretty daunting, especially since we are still working on sorting things out from our last move. But hey we’re moving to Hawaii!!

carolann signature (1 of 1)

PS: Photos by Pinky Photography

19 responses to “We’re Moving … Again!”

  1. Cait says:

    YAY!!! i’m so excited for you friend! you already sound super excited! can’t wait to keep up with your journey!

    • Carolann says:

      Thanks so much Cait! I am already getting so excited thinking about all my favorite places! Thank you for your support!!

  2. Heidi says:

    Wow crazy!!! But so exciting!! 🙂

    • Carolann says:

      Yes, both of those!! I have lots of mixed feelings but overall I’m excited. There is a quote that says when a great adventure is offered, you don’t refuse it, and I’m just looking at this whole military life thing as one big adventure:)

  3. Oh my gosh, wow!! That’s so exciting and kind of nice that you can go back for a “new” start but at a place you’re already familiar with, that must take away a lot of the apprehension and what a place to be returning to!! When are you moving?

    • Carolann says:

      It honestly makes things a lot easier, which is one of the reasons why I wanted to go back. As much as I would have liked to explore somewhere new, I’m glad that I already know what town to live in and things like where to go grocery shopping! It’s like a whole new adventure but not too overwhelming. We’re moving in July which means that I have a lot of places in NYC to go before then!!

  4. That’s so exciting that y’all are moving back to Hawaii! I know that the island means so much to you and your relationship, but that it will be tough to leave family, especially after just moving back. I can’t wait to see what other adventures you get to go on while y’all are stationed over there!

    • Carolann says:

      Thanks Ashley! It’s definitely going to be had to leave Connecticut, especially since I am so so so close to my family right now. I’m sure there will be lots of adventures, though, and I’m excited to see what the next few years will bring! It always makes trips home feel a lot more special and I think I’ve learned to appreciate my family a lot more since moving away. Of course, I wish I didn’t have to get on a plane to see them, but I’ll make it work!

  5. Leanna Cherry says:

    In the words of Michael Scott… or should I say “Prison Mike”….”you got a good life. You got a good life!”

    Wishing you only the best in this new chapter!

    • Carolann says:

      I LOVE PRISON MIKE and I love when he says that! Yes, it’s a good life and I am very thankful for it. I’m already trying to figure out a way to get you to Hawaii 😉

  6. Emma says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Here’s to sunshine & long walks on the beach 😀

  7. Jenn says:

    yay! that is so exciting! and yes, I am sure that you will definitely have plenty of opportunity to be closer to family 🙂

    • Carolann says:

      Totally! If you and Josh ever get the chance to go to Hawaii…. take it! It’s an awesome place to be stationed. I don’t know what he does but I know there’s lots of Army there.

  8. Kat says:

    Oh my god! That’s so awesome!! You get to pick up so many cool new adventures and re-live the old ones you loved! Enjoy the move.

    • Carolann says:

      Thanks Kat! I can’t wait for more hiking adventures, and I’m so excited to explore the other islands. I can taste my favorite sandwich and my favorite coffee from my favorite cafe… that might be the very first place I go. Even though moving is stressful, I somehow feel very zen about it. Maybe because we’ve done it so many times already!

  9. Cheers to the next part of your adventure!

    • Carolann says:

      Thanks Chelsea! Looks like we will be moving and setting up new homes around the same time — we both have so much to look forward to!

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