June 1, 2015

Rotorua is insane. It smells like sulfur, and it’s filled with wild colors, mud pools, and thermal rocks, and crazy hot lakes. Rotorua could totally be another planet. I mean, look at this:

Waimangu - Rotorua-21

I’ve fallen behind on my New Zealand series, but I am determined to get back on track with one new post each week! So, on our way to the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, Nick and I stopped in Rotorua for just one night, so that we could see all of the crazy geothermal activity – craters, hot springs, mud pools, geysers, and volcanic vents. On a whim, we decided to check out Waimangu Volcanic Valley, where a volcanic eruption over 100 years ago created craters and brought geothermal fluid to the surface, and the geothermal activity is still going strong. This place was great because there was a set walking tour that would bring you to all of the awesome sights, and then a bus brought us back. I also loved how many different, totally unique things we were able to see in such a small area:

Waimangu - Rotorua-2 Waimangu - Rotorua-3 Waimangu - Rotorua-4 Waimangu - Rotorua-5 Waimangu - Rotorua-6I have never seen anything like this. I couldn’t get over just how weird everything was, taking way too many pictures and videos.

Waimangu - Rotorua-7 Waimangu - Rotorua-8 Waimangu - Rotorua-9 Waimangu - Rotorua-10 Waimangu - Rotorua-11 Waimangu - Rotorua-12This is the New Zealand I had been dying to see!! The entire town smells like sulfur, which I swear you get used to.

Waimangu - Rotorua-13 Waimangu - Rotorua-14And in the middle of it all, there is this perfectly blue lake. It is one of the most beautiful shades of blue I have ever seen in nature. It looks peaceful and inviting, right? Well, the name for this beauty is “Inferno Crater Lake” because it can get up t o 176°F (80°C). Yikes.Waimangu - Rotorua-15Waimangu - Rotorua-1 Waimangu - Rotorua-16 Waimangu - Rotorua-17 Waimangu - Rotorua-18 Waimangu - Rotorua-19 Waimangu - Rotorua-20Waimangu - Rotorua-22

How crazy is this place?! I still can’t get over it whenever I look through the pictures!

One response to “What planet are we on?! Geothermal wonders in Rotorua”

  1. Melanie says:

    This place looks so cool and scary!!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

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