May 27, 2015

There’s nothing like a fancy ball with a man in uniform to make a girl swoon. Right before I left for my trip back home, Nick and I went to the Submarine Officer’s Birthday Ball in Waikiki. This year the submarine force celebrated its 115th birthday, and I was so honored to attend with Nick!

I’m so proud of Nick, all that he has accomplished, sacrificed, and worked for over the years, and I love that the submarine force has a night to honor that.

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The evening always begins with a cocktail hour, and professional photographer has always been around to take a bunch of cheesy pictures. I must have 3 or 4 sets of these pictures – in the exact same poses – from different balls over the years, but I still insist on taking them because it is so much fun to look back over the years! And it’s always great to have pictures of us all dressed up, with Nick in his uniform!

Submarine Ball-1The ball is a really moving night. Once everyone is seated, there is the National Anthem and invocation. Then comes the most emotional part of the night – a spotlight on the POW-MIA table, followed by the Tolling of the Bells, in which every submarine and sailor who has been lost is honored. I think it’s really special, the way they honor all of the sacrifices made by submariners past and present. Then there are speeches, dinner, a centerpiece competition, and the night turns into dancing. 

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It was such a fun night!


9 responses to “The Submarine Birthday Ball!”

  1. Melanie says:

    Looks like such a fun event!
    Melanie @

  2. Christy says:

    You look great! I love getting dressed up!

  3. Isabel says:

    Oh no the pictures are not cheesy at all. They look like those pictures that you only see in movies! Congratulations to him, you guys look adorable!

  4. Polly says:

    You guys are too cute!! Looks like a wonderful night 🙂

    Polly xx

    • Carolann says:

      Thank you so much, my dear! Your sweet comment put a huge smile on my face. I love getting dressed up – it was such a great night!

  5. […] next weekend, we were back in Waikiki for the Submarine Birthday Ball! Can we just talk about how much I love these professional pictures we had […]

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