June 22, 2015

I’m back with my New Zealand series! Stay tuned every Monday for a new post about our honeymoon! I’ve got so many pictures that I want to share with you guys so I decided to make a plan to post about it every Monday.

Okay so Nick and I went to Alaska a few years ago, and our favorite part was seeing all of the glaciers there, so we really wanted to do something similar in New Zealand. One of the things I loved most about New Zealand is that there is just so much awesome nature! Glaciers, volcanoes, caves — you name it, New Zealand has it. I felt like we were able to do so many awesome things in such a short period of time just because New Zealand is so dense, there is so much going on in such a small place. Can you tell how much I am in still love with this place?!

Anyway, we stayed in Mount Cook National Park for the night so we could get up before the sun for our ride. The ride itself wasn’t long at all, and our pilot was so great.

franz josef glacier-5franz josef glacier-1 franz josef glacier-2 franz josef glacier-3 franz josef glacier-4Pretty soon we were standing on Franz Josef Glacier! The pilot was awesome and let everyone walk around for a long time, taking pictures for all of the families and just letting us take in the incredible views.

franz josef glacier-8 franz josef glacier-7 franz josef glacier-6franz josef glacier-11franz josef glacier-13 franz josef glacier-14I could not get over how beautiful it was! It so pristine, so peaceful, so untouched by humans. This place seriously was Mother Nature at her best.

franz josef glacier-15 franz josef glacier-17franz josef glacier-12franz josef glacier-18 franz josef glacier-19 franz josef glacier-20Before I knew it, it was time to head back. Luckily, we got to get back on the plane and take the same awesome views on the way back.

franz josef glacier-22 franz josef glacier-23 franz josef glacier-24 franz josef glacier-25This was probably the shortest thing we did in New Zealand, but it was so worth it. I don’t think there is any other way to get these awesome views!

9 responses to “That time we walked on a Glacier in New Zealand!”

  1. Emma says:

    Simply stunning – what a lovely thing to do!

  2. Gosh Carolann, that glacier looks absolutely totally and utterly spectacular! I’ve never been to New Zealand but I visited a glacier in Patagonia Argentina last year and was totally in awe!

    • Carolann says:

      I think you would really love New Zealand! I know how much you love unique adventures and I feel like New Zealand would be such a perfect place for you to visit!

  3. Christy says:

    Incredible! It looks like you’re in Antarctica!

  4. Melanie says:

    Wait this is so cool! What a fun adventure!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  5. […] And I loved it.We only had one night in Mount Cook. We were there mainly so that we could take the flight onto Franz Josef Glacier the next morning. But we wanted to get in at least one hike while we were there, and we were set […]

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