September 26, 2014

I <3 New York.

I love being with my loud, huge, crazy family. I love being able to drive an hour and be in New York City, or drive an hour in the opposite direction to beaches, farms, marinas, and wineries. I love road trips. I love pizza and bagels and being so close to so many different kinds of amazing food. I love being able to see friends that I went to high school and college with. I love being in the house I grew up in. I love my cat.

My trip home was filled with all of these things.

New York Vacation

I got to take 2 road trips. The first one was to DC. I went on another one to upstate New York with my family to see my brother in his first Cyclocross race. It’s a kind of racing that involves obstacles – like having to carry your bike over an obstacle or riding up and down hills. It was his first race and he came in the top 10! I also met my cousin’s 4-week-old baby girl, who is just the cutest baby.

I saw one friend get married, watched another play her original music, and celebrated another friend’s birthday.

New York Trip2

I can’t imagine having not been here these past two weeks and being part of these special moments.

I even made a new friend, Holly, whose blog I think you would love. 


I borrowed this from Holly! Check out her blog!

Mostly, I hung around with my family and ate my favorite foods.

I hardly slept and ate my weight in pasta and I loved every second of it. I never feel like I have enough time with my family and friends, but I think I absolutely made the most of this trip home. It was a perfect 2 weeks to be home because so many great things happened with my family and friends and I was so glad to be a part of those good times. I hate the fact that I have to miss so many more like this.


My brother and me on my first night in New York

I just got back to Hawaii last night. It’s hard to explain how two places can both feel so much like home, but that is how I feel about New York and Hawaii. I miss my family and friends already but am so glad to be back in this beautiful place with Nick.

I have a special surprise planned this weekend for my wonderful husband who finished up his second quarter of graduate school and worked like crazy while I was away. I just love surprising him, and I think he is going to love this one!



One response to “A New York State of Mind”

  1. Holly says:

    I’m SO happy that you had such a good time visiting your friends and family!!! I’m also glad to see that you feel like you’re at home in Hawaii, too. I believe it’s important to be happy wherever you are, and I think you do a great job at that 🙂

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