January 12, 2015

I got into New York on Friday and spent the weekend with my family and one very special friend. After I landed, my mom, brother and I all went to our favorite diner — it’s become sort of a tradition to go there as soon as I get off the plane.

the two year honeymoon currently in new york

I slept a little bit on my redeye flight and then managed to stay up all day. I thank lots of coffee and my family, who were not about to go let me take a nap when they hadn’t seen me in so long!

For the first time ever, I am not jetlagged at all or on a weird sleeping schedule, so maybe there really is something to this idea of staying up for two days straight instead of napping when you land. I have never been able to do that before. Anyway, so far in New York, I’ve been:

Eating all of the carbs. Pizza. Pasta. Bagels. Lots of Italian desserts.

Christmasing with my family and friends. I feel like I have the absolute best of both worlds, because I was able to celebrate Christmas in Hawaii with Nick and now I am having Christmas celebrations with my family and friends. My parents still have their tree up!

Reading A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, a memoir by Ishmael Beah. His story is incredible. The things that this boy and so many others like him had to witness snd go through are horrifying. I read about half of it on the plane here but haven’t had much time to read since I landed in New York.

Anticipating spending more time with my family and seeing so many great friends this week.

Watching the final season of How I Met Your Mother. My brother is kinda obsessed with this show and he got me into watching it, so I only watch them with him. I have had wait for our visits over the past year and a half to catch up here and there, but I think that this week we will finally finish it. I have somehow managed to avoid finding out the ending, although based on people’s reactions I am preparing myself to be heartbroken.

Freezing in this cold! Luckily my parents have a fireplace and as I type this I am sitting all cozy on the couch next to the fire, but baby, it’s cold outside! I kind of love wearing all of my boots and scrves and sweaters, though — winter clothes are the best.

Seeing snow! As soon as I got into the car at the airport, it started snowing — kinda hard. It was so beautiful. I really wanted to see snow while I was home and I got to see it as soon as I landed!

Appreciating my family more and more. Everyone has made me feel so warm and loved from the second I stepped off the plane. From my favorite foods to little things like taking me to my favorite bar or even rearranging their schedules just for me, my friends and family are the best. It’s just the best feeling ever to be welcomed home like this. I wish I could explain it better.

Feeling sore after going to Xpress Body Bootcamp with my dear friend Leanna. She’s been going for quite some time and has had amazing success, so I like to tag along whenever I am in town. It’s a quick, intense workout that changes every day, usually a mix of weights and cardio. I work out a lot, but these workouts always leave me feeling so sore and very accomplished. The man who runs the bootcamp is so motivational and always welcomes me even though I am not a regular.

Squeezing as much as I can into this trip home! It’s a bit busy but I am loving every minute. I am even loving being cold!

Two questions for you!

What are your favorite things to do when you go home?
How do you avoid or deal with jetlag?


17 responses to “currently in new york”

  1. Emma says:

    Home, home home home!!

  2. Christy says:

    I’m so happy your home! I’ve gotten pretty good at managing jet lag when I travel east (to Europe or further) but going west…I always have such a hard time!

  3. Melanie says:

    I’m glad you made it to New York! There is for sure a trick when it comes to jet lag. I will never let myself go to sleep until It’s night wherever I am– it can be so hard sometimes!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  4. Holly S. says:

    I’m so glad you are enjoying your time with family!! When I come home, I love to just hang out with my family and eat, lol. We have our favorite spots for breakfast and dinner throughout the weekend and it’s fun to do all that when I’m visiting 🙂

    As far as jet lag goes, I try to fight it as much as I can, but I always have a harder time going east than west. I think just staying awake until it’s normal to sleep is helpful to get on track!

    • carolann says:

      Same here Holly! You would think in New York I would be going around having crazy adventures but really I just want to be at home with my family and going to all of our favorite little local places!!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful time you’re having with family in NYC! I’ve read that book too – it’s so moving! I always try not to sleep if you land somewhere in the morning(even if it’s bed time at home)and that’s the only way I can deal with jet lag!

  6. I’ve always been a fan of How I met your mother. Good luck with bootcamp, I need to do one!

    Suze | LuxuryColumnist

  7. Leanna cherry says:

    So grateful for the time we were able to spend together! Always so wonderful seeing you! We have fun no matter what we do together!! That’s what true friendship is all about. Xo

    • carolann says:

      Yes Leanna! It doesn’t matter if we are lifting weights or drinking coffee or eating a fancy dinner, as long as I am with you I am SO HAPPY! Love you!

  8. Leanna cherry says:

    Love you too!! Glad you got out before this “historical” blizzard!!

  9. the BG sensation says:

    When I get home, I just stuff myself all the food possible and wait to feel a bit hungry so i can eat more heheheh As for the jetlag my personal experience shows that when you sleep more in a time zone that is behind (ie Hawaii) is easier to adjust to a time zone that is ahead (ie NY). But you can try also the reverse. Ultimately the amount we sleep is correlated to our ability to adjust. 🙂

    • carolann says:

      Yes, going to New York from Hawaii is much harder for me too! Staying up all day worked pretty well but it was really hard! Not sure there is an answer, it’s different for me every single time!! Isn’t going home the best, though? Jetlagged or not, I just want to eat all of the food and see my family!

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