September 6, 2017

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend! I think that one of the hardest things about Nick’s job is that he is either working on the weekends or simply gone. I learned a long time ago that I should not wait for him to do to the things that I want to do. If I want to go on a hike, I should go. Maybe Nick will be able to come, maybe he won’t. Maybe we can go back later. This attitude has made me much happier. I have a bucket list going for Nick, so when I do something awesome that I think he will enjoy, I write it on the list. I  hope that before we leave Hawaii, we will get to do them. It’s like I am on a recon mission.

Plus, while I do enjoy my alone time, but I don’t want to sit at home all weekend. I love having lots of other military wives around to hang out with on the weekends because we are in the same boat and because we all love to get out and explore Hawaii. And, they are just awesome to be around. So, for Labor Day, we decided to get up early, drive up to the north shore, and hike Crouching Lion. It was a great day with great friends and I’m so glad we made it happen!

Can you see me standing on top of that mountain?!

Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-16

I’ve hiked this trail many times before, but it’s been a while since I’ve been back. I forgot how quick this hike is. It took us about 30 minutes — and that’s with me stopping to catch my breath pretty quickly. But it’s not hard to keep going when you see the view peeking through.

Crouching Lion Finding IthakaCrouching Lion Finding Ithaka-10Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-11Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-18  We made it! We hung out at the top for a while and, of course, took a million pictures. Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-17

I love how you can see the highway in this picture.  This hike is literally on the side of the road.Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-5Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-6Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-3

There is only one road that brings you around the North Shore, and you can see it in this picture.

Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-2Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-13Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-12After our hike, we went down to the beach to cool off. We discovered a new spot to look for sea glass which I was pretty excited about.

Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-15

Finally, we went to my favorite lunch spot on the island, Kahuku Farms. This is my favorite place to get lunch on the island. The farm sells a lot of its produce, but it also uses it to make lunch and smoothies that they sell in their little outdoor cafe. I had a kale smoothie with pineapple juice and coconut and a “farm pizza,” which is a pizza with veggies and a macadamia nut pesto.

Crouching Lion Finding Ithaka-19

If you do decide to hike Crouching Lion, don’t let the short length of the trail deceive you. Becuase it’s so short, it’s pretty steep and it gets hard. I always bring water, a snack, and sunscreen. There is a lot of loose dirt and it gets slippery up there. If you are not careful, you will slip, so I always wear hiking boots too.

Thanks, friends, for coming with me! How did you celebrate Labor Day?!

How did you celebrate Labor Day?!

6 responses to “Labor Day Hiking Adventures”

  1. Your Labor Day sounds a lot more exciting than my Labor Day! I love the fact that you don’t let Nick not being there hold you back, and that you still go and do the things that you want to do. That way you know what you want to do together when he has the time! That hike looks like a blast, and the view is so stunning!

  2. Nicole says:

    Wow! I know I would love Hawaii as long as I had hiking trails. I might miss seasons though. It looks like it’s amazing weather all the time! Is it humid there? Sorry if that is a silly question. Or does the ocean breeze keep it at bay?

  3. What a beautiful view! We spent the weekend at the beach.

  4. Jen says:

    I feel the same way when it comes to Kyle not being around. If he isn’t able to do something with me, that’s okay. Me and E will go with friends and we can go another time with him. I’m glad you made the most of the labor day weekend! 🙂

  5. Amanda says:

    Wow that is just beautiful!

  6. Audrey says:

    I can’t get over the blues of the ocean or the greens in all the landscape! So, so pretty!! What a fun Labor Day activity!

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