January 25, 2015

I’m back in Hawaii!

I was sick for about 75% of my time in New York, which was a total bummer. I will spare you all of the details, but I got sick with two different things and it was pretty ugly. I ended up extending my trip by a few days, because I just did not think I could get on a plane.

There were so many people I wanted to see and things I wanted to do during my short time in New York. I had the entire trip planned out perfectly. I had places in NYC I wanted to see for the first time and a list of my favorite restaurants I wanted to go back to. But I got sick. And all of my plans went away.

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Instead of seeing all of my friends and other family members, I spent most of my time home on the couch watching movies with my parents. And you know what? It wasn’t all bad. I got to spend more time at home with my parents than ever before. They took care of me like only parents can, and it was probably the best place to be if I had to be sick.

So yes, this will be known as the trip to New York where I got sick and didn’t get to do a lot of the things I wanted to do. But it will also be known as the trip where my parents, brother, and I watched tons of dumb movies, had Christmas in January, and ate lots of take out. We also managed to fit in some baking and even a hockey game.

I was very lucky that I was able to extend my stay in New York, too. I don’t know what I would have done if I had to get on a 10 hour plane ride feeling like crap. I am still a bit under the weather but I am much better.

I’ll be posting a bunch of pictures later this week of what I did when I was not on the couch! Looking back, even though I was sick for most of my trip home, I did get to do some pretty fun stuff towards the beginning of my trip.

I guess I will just have to go back soon…. when it’s warmer!

Have you ever had a vacation that went totally bust? How did you deal? 


8 responses to “when vacation doesn’t go your way.”

  1. Holly says:

    Oh no!! I’m so sorry you got sick 🙁 That is definitely a huge bummer. The only time I can remember getting really sick on a ‘vacation’ was when I went to Chicago for New Years with my family, like always, and I think it was in 1998-1999. I had a fever the day we left but it wasn’t high so I took meds to keep it down. But the next day, New Years Eve, it came back in the evening in full force–it was *terrible* and I covered myself in blankets to stay warm, only to have my fever spike up to 104 and have to sit in a cold bath at 11:30pm to get my fever down. It sucked and it was a New Years I’ll never forget, haha! But I’m glad you’re back to feeling better and hope you can go back soon!

    • carolann says:

      Oh my gosh! What a way to begin a New Year! Good thing you were with your family. I hope to get back to New York soon – I feel like I need a do-over!!

  2. Melanie says:

    Oh no! Getting sick is the worst! I’m soo sorry you got so sick!!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  3. Christy says:

    I’m so sorry you were sick, but at least you got to lounge around with your family =)

  4. Leanna cherry says:

    Sometimes being forced to slow down isn’t such a bad thing! Hope you’re on the mend and feeling better!

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