August 9, 2014

Last week, Nick and I went to California to spend some time with his family and see his high school friend get married! It was such a fun week, spending time with Nick’s family and friends and going to all of Nick’s favorite places.

When we got back, we had 2 days to prepare for 2 hurricanes. After dealing with Sandy on Long Island 2 years ago, I wanted to prepare us for the worst. We ran around getting food, water, batteries, candles, and then we spent all night prepping our apartment as best we could. I thought that the stores would be completely barren but when we went out the night before the hurricane was supposed to hit for a few last minute things, the stores seemed to be pretty well-stocked, except for batteries.

The first hurricane, Iselle, had been downgraded to a tropical storm after going through the Big Island and leaving thousands of people without power. Yesterday, the day Iselle was set to arrive, Nick had to go into work and I wasn’t sure when he would be able to get home. Thankfully he made it in safely and then I just kind of sat around waiting for the hurricane to hit.

I kept the blinds shut most of the day, but I don’t think it really rained at all. It was just kind of windy and gray. Around 3:00 pm the tropical storm warning was completely cancelled and Nick came home from work. Today it’s still very cloudy and gray outside, but that’s really nothing at all to complain about. I am really thankful that the storm was not as bad as predicted. I am also realizing that I need to get a few more things for our home just in case a disaster does strike, like some extra batteries. maybe a few more flashlights, and a battery operated radio.
Julio is on its way here tomorrow. Earlier in the week, Julio was said to be stronger than Iselle and potentially causing more damage, but the reports right now are saying that it’s not going to really affect us. At thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and for checking in on us!

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