February 8, 2015

I think that sometimes, when life is getting crazy and you have so much going on that you can’t even think straight, that is exactly when you need to…

February 4, 2015

You can’t see Laie Point at all from the main road. It’s tucked behind some houses pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I think this is part…

January 29, 2015

I went to college less than 8 miles from my home. I didn’t move out of my parents’ house until I got married. Then I moved 5,000 miles…

January 6, 2015

I mentioned earlier this week in my post about my travel wish list for the year that I don’t usually make goals or resolutions on January 1. I…

December 25, 2014
December 14, 2014

There’s nothing like a visit from your mama to make you feel loved. My mom just left after a whole week in Hawaii, and we had the best…

December 7, 2014

Over 2,000 people lost their lives on December 7, 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. There is a memorial here that encourages us to remember, understand, and honor that loss….

December 3, 2014

For me, Christmas is not just about one day. It’s a whole season of sharing, giving, sending cards, being silly, watching Christmas movies, peppermint everything, baking cookies, hot…

November 17, 2014

Oh November, how I love you. Thanksgiving is around the corner, and then my mom will be here, then it will be time for Christmas-y things. Currently, I am…

November 14, 2014

Long weekends are the best weekends! They are especially great when you don’t even know they are coming until right before. I am new to this whole shore…