February 1, 2015

I’ve had this blog for less than a year and have been trying to post consistently for only a few months. In that short time, I feel like this hobby of mine has taught me so much, not only about blogging and writing, but also about life.

So I knew I had to link up again when the lovely bloggers Kelly, Emma, and Rebecca, along with their guest host, Sara, announced their February link up – unexpected benefits of blogging. Today, I want to share with you guys some of the things that started happening to me when I started blogging, things that I never expected.


1. I started trying new things… and being okay with failing.
I’ve always been a perfectionist, afraid to try anything if I didn’t think I could succeed. Having a blog has made me more open to trying new things, both on my blog and in my life. It’s kinda scary to write something and send it out into the world. But the worst that can happen is that a few people don’t like it or just don’t read it. I realized that I am okay with that, and that through my failures, I am learning and growing.


2. I started listening to my inner voice.

The more I try new things with my blog, the more I realize how important it is to stick with topics that are important to me. There is a temptation to look at other people’s blogs, see what works for them, and try to imitate that. But I want to create my own unique voice, and I know that what works for other bloggers will not necessarily work for me. My inner voice is starting to get a bit louder, and I am finally listening.

3. I realized that less is more.

You don’t need to post every day. Having a few good posts is much better than having a bunch of just okay posts. I’ve tried to adopt this mentality in life, too. You can’t do it all, and it’s better to do a few things really well than to try to spread yourself too thin.

4. I discovered great blogs.
I never used to follow blogs. When I decided to try blogging, I started reading all kinds of other blogs to see what this was all about. There are some pretty incredible bloggers out there offering great, useful content on any topic you can think of. I quickly learned how encouraging and welcoming the blogging community is, too. There really is room for everyone on the Internet, and the best bloggers are the ones that support and encourage each other.  Thanks, ladies!

5. I started learning a lot.

Blogging has introduced me to so many new things. I am slowly learning about things like photography, WordPress, Photoshop, and social media. Before I started this blog, I knew nothing about these things, and I know that the skills I am slowly developing will help me in so many aspects of my life beyond this blog.

6. I learned how to unplug.
The problem is, there are just so many great blogs out there, and so much to learn about blogging. I could spend all day online. But since starting my blog, I have learned the importance of taking time away from screens and just living life. And, because my blog is called The Two Year Honeymoon, I was at first compelled to photograph everything Nick and I do. But again, there needs to be some sort of line between the blog and my life. I realized the importance of just enjoying some moments without photographing them.


7. I started reading more.

I started reading more blogs, naturally. And, since I posted here that one of my goals is to read all 100 books on Amazon’s list of 100 books to read in a lifetime, I started to finally get serious about it. Having a place to be accountable to has gotten me on track to fulfilling one of my long-time goals.

8. I started writing more.

The only way to become a better writer is to write. Every. Single. Day. After I quit my job to move to Hawaii, I didn’t have any formal way to keep myself writing consistently. The more I write for my blog, the more ideas I have, and the more I want to write.

I want to know, what have been some ways that blogging has benefited you in your life? What have been some unexpected benefits of blogging for you?

Thank you Kelly, EmmaRebecca, and Sara, for a great topic for a link up. I can’t wait to read other bloggers’ takes on this topic!

25 responses to “8 things that happened when I started blogging.”

  1. Shobha says:

    I agree! I now prefer reading blogs to zoning out in front of the TV. Not that there is much of interest on the TV. I learn so much more reading blogs!

  2. Emma says:

    That quote is PERFECT! Blogging is something special isn’t it!

    • carolann says:

      hahaha I love Louis CK! That quote really encourages me to take risks and be okay with failure, something I was not always good at!

  3. Melanie says:

    I agree with less is more! I hate when people post everyday and their posts are not that great. Having quality is SO much better!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

    • carolann says:

      I agree! And it’s too much for me to keep up with! There are only a few blogs that I like that post great content every day — I don’t know how they do it!

  4. jaklien says:

    I’ve started reading a lot more as well. Books and blogs, just like you.Good luck with the 100 books. 🙂 Sounds like a good challenge.

    • carolann says:

      Thanks Jaklien! I think it’s going to take me a long time, but I have discovered some really incredible books through my challenge!

  5. anna parker says:

    I find myself forgetting now that I am sharing with the whole world!! It’s become a norm, but when I started I worried what people thought and now I just hope they enjoy sharing the journey!

    • carolann says:

      I think that, while of course you want people to read and enjoy what you write, you really just have to write what you love and not worry too much about what people think. It’s a hard balance for sure!

  6. Kelly says:

    What a fabulous post Carolann! Listening to your inner voice and not following every other blogger (like a sheep!) makes a great blog – to enjoy blogging you need to love what you blog about (and I think this is why so many bloggers burn out as they’re trying to keep up with another blogger). Life and blogging is all about having fun! Thanks for joining the travel link up this month x

    • carolann says:

      Thanks Kelly, and thanks for hosting these awesome link ups! I love reading other blogs to get inspired but at the end of the day you have to stick with what you love!

  7. Sara says:

    I agree with the less is more! It is great to read new blogs as well, yours included! Loving it

  8. A really wise post Carolann! I’ve yet to fully master the unplugging part 😉

    Suze | LuxuryColumnist

    • carolann says:

      Me too Suze! It’s so hard for me, too! I keep realizing more and more how important it is, but it’s still a struggle.

  9. Isabel says:

    Yeey for blogging! It’s special wonderful because now we have a space to keep in touch with people in the similar situation as us and keep our loved ones updated!

  10. Great words of wisdom! I know blogging taught me so many skills that I never would have learned before: photographic, html, css, etc!

    • carolann says:

      There is so much to learn, it can be overwhelming for me at times, but it’s all part of the adventure of blogging! I think I am having the most fun learning about photography and photo editing!

  11. Holly says:

    What a great list of things you’ve learned!! I can relate to a LOT of these. Blogging has really been so great, and I don’t think many people realize that blogging can change your life. I mean, if I wouldn’t have started blogging, I probably wouldn’t have started running, or kept up with it, really. And I wouldn’t have met Christy and gone to her wedding and met you!! New friends, new experiences, new life goals to be made….it’s a great thing 🙂

    • carolann says:

      A year ago I never could have imagined what I have gotten out of blogging! I’m so glad you and Christy met through blogging and that you came to her wedding and that we met!!

  12. the BG sensation says:

    I love this! Makes me feel that I can try something different too. Thank you for writing!

  13. […] 8 things that happened when I started blogging. under Blogging […]

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