May 25, 2020

Baking has always been a stress reliever for Nick and me. More-so for Nick, which works out well for me because everything he makes is perfection. Combine my birthday and Mother’s Day with quarantine and that adds up to a whole lot of baking in our house…..

Skillet Cookie. This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten. I am not exaggerating! And it’s pretty easy to make.

Brown Butter Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies. This has always been one of my favorite things to bake. I made a big batch and put them in the freezer so we can just have one or two at a time.

No Fuss Cinnamon Rolls. BEST CINNAMON ROLLS EVER! Nick made these for me for my birthday. Lucky me, there are a bunch left over in the freezer.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bars.  Definitely the easiest recipe of the bunch. It took one bowl and I had all the ingredients on hand. Delicious too!

Smores Ice Cream Sandwiches. I don’t have a recipe link for this because Nick made it up! It involves homemade marshmallow ice cream, a layer of chocolate, covered in a graham cracker crust. Nick made them for me for Mother’s Day and we still have some left, the best kind of gift!

Carmine’s Chocolate Torte. Have you ever been to Carmine’s in New York City? It’s one of my family’s favorite restaurants. I cook a lot of recipes out of their cookbook, and I got this chocolate torte out of it too. It has espresso in it, which adds a lot of flavor, and Nick topped it with his homemade whipped cream!

What are you baking lately? Comment below with your favorite recipes. I’d love to make something new this week!

4 responses to “What We’re Baking During Quarantine”

  1. emily says:

    Oh my stars, everything looks amazing!

  2. Nadine says:

    Oh my goodness, this whole post has me drooling. Nothing is better than a fresh warm brownie/cookie and ice cream to me.

  3. Wow I thought we were baking a lot but you guys are baking a LOT! I love it! Totally adding like all of these to the list!

  4. Audrey says:

    You guys are so so so talented! Those cookies sound so dang amazing. I will for sure be making those soon!
    The skillet cookie and cinnamon rolls sound SOOOOO yummy, too! Once this quarantine is over I’m coming to your house. Lol

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