December 13, 2017
Every December, one of my friends from grad school makes a list of 10 things she did that year that she had never done before. I made my first list last year, which you can read here! Seeing her post on Facebook a couple of days ago reminded me that it’s time for me to make my own.

This isn’t something I consciously think about during the year or even write down, but sometimes when I do something new I think, hey, I can add that to my list! This is such a fun reflection for me each year. It makes me want to keep exploring, traveling, pushing myself, writing, and learning in the next year.

So, anyway, here’s my list:

1. Worked as a travel blogger. I only made it 6 months, but hey, I got paid to write about Hawaii. And that’s pretty darn cool.

2. Started volunteering at the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. This is quite possibly the best thing that I did in 2017. I made so many awesome new friends, learned a lot, stepped outside my comfort zone, and felt like I actually can help people.

3. Biked out to see a real live lava flow.

4. Went to Molokai.
5. Had a real southern meal in Florida when I visited my friend Jenny.

6.  Was on my own during Nick’s underways. During all of Nick’s previous deployments, I lived with my parents. Being on my own was a big change for me. It meant me taking over the finances, making decisions without being able to talk to Nick, and dealing with things like floods in my apartment.

7.  Stargazed at 14,000 feet above sea level at Mauna Kea on the Big Island. Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world if you measure from its base underwater, which is kind of cheating but let’s go with it.  You are literally above the clouds.

8. Honored loved ones at Lantern Floating Hawaii. If you live in Hawaii, it’s something you should do at least once.
9. Deadlifted 115 lbs, squatted 93 lbs, and bench-pressed 60 lbs. Strong arm emoji.

10. Was interviewed for another blog. Check out my military spouse profile on Countdowns and Cupcakes. I seriously love Rachel’s blog and I love her Etsy shop, too.

What does your list look like? Comment below or create your own post! If you do, please send me the link!!

8 responses to “10 things I did in 2017 that I had never done before”

  1. This is such a fun idea, and you really have got to do so many exciting things this year! Being on your own for an extended period of time has got to be hard, but you did it! And that lantern festival looks so incredibly beautiful!

  2. Sarah says:

    Ahhh is it weird to say I have been looking forward to this post?! Lol. And I’ve been thinking a lot about my own post (that you inspired me to write last year!). I actually wrote 10 things down on paper yesterday… I think I’m going to share it in a couple weeks. I love your list – you’ve had so many great new experiences from travel to career to independence to health!! SUPER jealous that you can lift so much weight…. honestly GO YOU. I want to get into that in 2018.

  3. Carly says:

    I feel like I probably said this last year, but this is such a cool idea. You had such an amazing year with so many new adventures– both traveling to places and things you pushed yourself to do!

  4. Audrey says:

    You had such an amazing year. I admire your energy and zest, Carolann! Your bucketlist is just a continuous string of amazing experience that you ACTUALLY tackle and check off. That’s so cool! These reflections on the year are such a great idea, too!

  5. Jen says:

    That photo of the lava flow is absolutely incredible!!! 🙂 That must have been such an cool experience.

  6. Julie says:

    Great idea for a post and a way to look back on the year! What a year you had filled with new adventures and being out of your comfort zone!!

  7. I love the idea of looking back on the year like this!!

  8. Rachel says:

    This is such a fun idea! I always love year in review posts and I like your format. You really did do a lot of things for the first time this year! I hope next year is even better 🙂

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