March 13, 2019

Well, it’s been about a month since my last post, despite the fact that my only New Year’s Resolution was to blog again. But today, I feel so much better and ready to write again.

If we were having coffee, we would be sitting at a bakery drinking coffree and having a cupcake. Because there are so many bakeries here that I’ve made it my mission to become an expert on them. Luckily, I walk everywhere so I don’t feel bad about eating as many cupcakes as I want.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that our home is mainly unpacked and organized. There’s still a lot to do, but it can be done slowly. You know, things like the random boxes that I didn’t feel like packing are shoved in the closet. We still need to hang stuff on the walls. I think we’ll do all that this weekend. But everything we need to live is in order and it’s starting to feel like home. When we moved in, I honestly wasn’t sure if this place would ever feel like home, but it’s getting there.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that despite my sad post last month, I’m feeling so much better. Leaving Hawaii was SO hard. I honestly enjoy the winter, but coming from 80-degree weather to 20-degree weather was startling. I didn’t really have a chance to ease into it.

I know my way around Hawaii better than I know my way around Long Island, where I grew up. Coming to a big city where I don’t know anyone or anything or how to use the Metro or how to get around was really jarring. But it’s getting better every day. It just takes time. One thing I really can’t get used to is how busy and rushed everyone is. DC is definitly not operating on island time.

The weather is getting better, which helps my mood so much. I got back into working out and yoga, which also helps my mood more than I realized. I’m learning how to navigate this city and I’ve found so many great places I love. If you have any recommendations, I’d love to have them!!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that my first visitors have already come! Christy from Planes, Trains, and Running Shoes, who I’ve known since college (which for us was a long time ago;), and my friend Chloe, who moved from Hawaii to the mainland the same week as me, both came to visit. They’ve both lived in DC before so they both showed me some of their favorite places.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I’ve been in a huge reading rut lately. I barely have read this year. What have you been reading and loving lately?

I have so much to write about Hawaii, New Zealand, Japan, and moving! Thanks forsticking with me andsupporting me.

6 responses to “Long Overdue DC Coffee Date”

  1. Jen says:

    I wish I could join you for bakery trips haha! That is always the best way to enjoy a city, through all the food! 🙂

  2. Amanda says:

    I live just outside of DC! I can’t imagine adjusting from Hawaii to here. It was hard for me after only 10 days on our honeymoon! There are tons of great things about DC though. Let me know if you ever want to meet up!

  3. Julie says:

    It’s a big transition but DC is great!! I’m glad you guys are settling in and home is starting to feel homey!!

  4. Audrey says:

    I’m so happy that your new normal is starting to feel normal 🙂 I think DC is such a romantic, busy, historical city. I’d love to spend some long days there exploring and tasting and learning! Maybe you should bring some island time vibes to that busy capital 😉 I’m glad things are getting better!

  5. I love that things are getting better! Like most things in life, it just takes time. And I love love that you’ve had some friends visit who can show you their favorite spots. I’ve been rereading the Inheritance Cycle while excitedly lining up all the other books I want to read this year. Haha!

  6. Emma says:

    I’m so glad that you’re settling in – it can take awhile, especially with such a change in pace!

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